Generally speaking, anything that extends the life and

Much less predictable was what happened as a result of a poster I created for a play this past Spring. I struggled with this project at first - the play was about monsters, the costume designer hadn't yet designed the monsters - so I had no idea what the main characters were actually going to look like, much less what the aesthetics of the play would be. I had to create a visual direction myself. Which was frustrating at first, but after numerous meetings with the director, producer and other designers, ultimately I was able to have some fun with it.

I was very happy with the poster.
....and the producer was, too. That's his arm in the picture.

My students love Alpha Betti, your art work is what really sells this, sometimes boring book. The colors and characters add life and winsome. Keep it up, love the Van Goghish picture of you.
Thank you so much, Colette! It is so nice to know that my illustrations are being enjoyed by kids out there in the 'real world' beyond my studio! I'm glad you like the profile picture - Van Gogh is one of my favorite painters~!
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